Hey there! Want to brew a pour-over at home as we do at PMC? Don't let the fiddly V60 method intimidate you! We made a helpful shorty video to help you out at home.
Let us know how it goes, and share your videos, we'd love to see the results. Give us a tag, and cheers!
Equipment you need:
● 15g of amazing coffee ground to a medium coarseness, on a grinder like the Baratza Encore this is somewhere around 14 or 15 on the collar, but feel free to dial it in as you see fit.
● Gooseneck kettle - really important for having amazing control of the water as you pour.
● Hario V60 cone and filter paper
● Bamboo paddle (or a spoon or chopstick will work, too)
● Scale (if you don’t have one yet, let’s sort that out)
● Timer
We have an easy-to-replicate recipe and approach. The only variable we like to change is the grind size, everything else is constant across every coffee we have at the PMC bar.
● 15g of coffee to 250ml water (at or just off of the boil) - 1:17 ratio
● Rinse the filter paper which preheats the brewing vessel at the same time (don't forget
to empty the rinse water out!!)
● Put the coffee into the V60 and give it a tiny shake to flatten the top of the bed
● Start the timer and pour 50ml of water into the bed of coffee and agitate a bit, front to back, and left to right, then let it sit and de-gas for 30 seconds.
● At 30s, slowly and steadily pour the remaining 200ml of water in circles and aim to finish pouring at 50s - a constant and controlled flow rate is the aim!
● Give the whole cone a gentle swirl, helps catch any coffee grinds left high and dry
● Coffee should finish running between 2:30 and 3:00, depending on the varietal or blend you're using.
Let your coffee cool a bit, then take a sip and enjoy it! The V60 method requires some additional focus compared to other brew methods but the result is worth it ;)